Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

Times goes so fast...

Hey everybody, 
I can't believe how fast time is running since I'm travelling here in New Zealand and sorry for not writing anything on my blog in the last couple of weeks but I'll try to bring you up to date :-)

Nach meinem Trip zum Lake Waikaremoana ging es fuer ein paar Tage nach Napier, dann Lake Taupo und ein paar Tage Rotorua, wo es den ganzen Tag ueber wunderbar nach faulen Eiern riecht ;-)

Hier ein paar Bilder:

In sunny Napier - a art-deco town

Gardens in Napier

Lookout in Napier

Pictures from Taupo:
I spent some really nice days there...I met a swedish girl and together we went to the Huka Falls and the Craters of the Moon which is a thermal park with lots of hot steam coming up from the ground.

Huka Falls in Taupo

Sandra & me

Craters of the moon

Huka Falls

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